Todd and Dave join the expert panel to discuss indoor air quality. Is your air filter doing its job for you? Is your drain line flowing clean and clear? Drain line should not be buried. It’s a good idea to check on it every month. You can even put pebbles under it so you can see what is draining out of the line. Todd and Dave also recommend you have a mat at your doors to brush dust and debris off your feet to reduce it from getting into your AC system. The coil needs to be serviced every year and cleaned every two years.
Keith Giels, Founder and CEO of Verus Health joins Bob Beargie to discuss Medicare planning. Home
Christa Brandt of Valerie’s House Pensacola expresses the need for grief counseling for children in our community. She and her colleague, Miranda, share their...
Nyango Star - Japanese "chill mascot" brings new life to small struggling city / Ticket giveaway for the Opera this Friday Night at the...