Margaret-Anne West from Fiesta Pensacola joins the panel to highlight the 75th annual Fiesta Days. Don't miss the Surrender of the City in Phineas Phoggs (Seville Quarter) at 7:15pm May 29th and join us downtown for the Grand Fiesta Parade Friday May 31st at 7pm.
The Fiesta organization was formed to celebrate the founding of Pensacola: America’s First Settlement.
In 1559, Spanish Conquistador, Don Tristan de Luna, established Pensacola as the first European settlement in the United States. Fiesta plans and produces over 20 events throughout the year with the help of a plethora of volunteers. These events are designed to appeal to all ages and interests, as well as promote tourism for the area. A 10-day heritage celebration, beginning right after Memorial Day each year, is one of the oldest and largest heritage festivals in the State of Florida. Additionally, the Pensacola Crawfish Festival and Pensacola Seafood Festival celebrate the industries and resources we are proud to have in our city.
Owner Tim Ireland joins us in the studio with Sal Perez (General Manager - Moible) to discuss the importance of having a reliable standby...
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