Mike Craney, Marketing Manager for PenAir Credit Union, joins the Pensacola Expert Panel to highlight PenAir's impact on the community through various outreach programs and fundraising events. "Communerosity" describes the way lives are enriched in our area through these efforts. PenAir employees are given paid time each month to volunteer at the cause of their choice and participate in voluntary fundraising opportunities like "Jeans for Communerosity" to raise grant money for local non-profit organizations and charities. PenAir is focused on improving financial literacy by providing over 250 presentations spread across 25 schools with activities and educational insight for local families. Say hello to a PenAir representative during Gallery Night at Navy Days May 17th and check PenAir.org/careers for entry level and professional level job openings.
With almost 30 years of experience, Todd St. Ore's joins the Pensacola Expert Panel to discuss common indoor air quality issues here in our...
Top comment on teen’s Instagram post goes mega viral for Thailand, Muay Thai dare / Pensacola's first and only Cat Cafe is open /...