Marie Mott welcomes Dr. Angel Bradley from Tabacco Free Florida to discuss heart health. Poor habits including smokeless tobacco can negatively impact our heart health / Through with Chew week Feb 18-24 raising awareness on the overall health impact of tobacco / 3rd hand smoke...what is that? / It's never too late to quit tobacco - free program called Quit Now: Cessation course offered Thursdays at the Dept. of Health / New 6 week guided program available to help self management of chronic health conditions
Registration for chronic condition self management course: 850-316-2754 or 850-316-2756
Chris Verlande, Sea Grant Marine Agent and Matt Lollar, Commercial Horticulture Agent from University of Florida join PEP Talk to share about their services...
Taylor Dawson and Martha Ann Merrill (The Grits Girls) join PEP Talk with Meg to talk about Great Southern Restaurants and their upcoming special...