Joan Irby, the Volunteer Recruitment Coordinator joins PEP Talk to discuss the need for Volunteer Advocates for children that are in foster care. These children are highly susceptible to abuse or entering a life of continued difficulties. If you are looking to help the children in your community, maybe becoming a Court Appointed Advocate is the way for you. You will receive proper training as well as a thorough background check to insure safety. GAL has been making an impact in the world for 40 plus years. Find Guardian Ad Litem on their website or Facebook! Or call for more questions in the 1st Circuit of Florida, 850-595-3746. You can make a difference!
Lisa Murphy talks about the importance of de-humidification vs running AC on lower temperatures! AC cools the air; de-humidifiers remove the moisture.
Benjamin Bikman earned his Ph.D. in Bioenergetics and was a postdoctoral fellow with the Duke-National University of Singapore in metabolic disorders. Currently, his professional...
Dr. Ben Mcmillon is in the studio to highlight the way chiropractic health care can change your life. Things you can do at home...