Todd St. Ores, a go to air quality care specialist answers questions and clarifies the importance of clean air in your home or business. He shares about the latest with their specially designed Air Filters. He emphasizes the importance of a high quality air filter, as well as having the proper sized return opening custom for your size home and air conditioning unit. He explains the use of vinegar instead of bleach in your system, and to only use it during AC season! David from Pensacola calls and weighs in about the amazing service at Gulf Coast Air Care. Call 850-934-2768 today. Like Todd always says, “If you don’t have a good air filter; you are one!”
Malcolm Ballinger joins PEP Talk to discuss the latest issue of Busines Climate Magazine.
Malcolm joins us for fun conversation and hockey ticket giveaways. Lot's of great events and restaurants to experience in Pensacola: Pick up a copy...
Todd St. Ore’s answers questions about attic insulation, and what it does to keep your home cool. Is your new outdoor unit combatable with...