Frank Gilliam, a professor at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Whitney Fike, President of the UWF Alumni Association join Pensacola Expert Panel to discuss the UWF Arbor Day Market on Saturday March 2nd from 9am - noon. The event will be held on the green space next to the UWF Camellia Garden adjacent to the Lab Sciences Annex Building. The UWF Arbor Day Market celebrates UWF's recognition by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree Campus Higher Education. Activities will include native variety tree giveaways made possible by event partner International Paper as well as guided nature trail tours, kids crafts, and local vendors.
The team at Santa Rosa County Animal Servies join PEP Talk with Meg to discuss the animal services they provide to the county, current...
Key Marine Center of NWFL 5621 Bauer Rd. Pensacola, FL. 850-492-0487 Key Marine is your Yamaha, Mercury and now Suzuki Repower Center. Special...
Stefan Schmitt, Marine Instructor for Georgestone Technical College, hosts Boat Smart and shares the importance of beginner jobs, the learning process, and how there...